Therapeutical effects of laminaria japonica polysaccharides on atherosclerosis in an experimental ra
<正> 昆布作为宫颈扩张器已应用了数百年。其效果和安全性已报导过。起初认为昆布的作用是纯机械性的。然而,在昆布中期引产期间,......
采用室内池子多层笼养殖方式 ,以加工海带、鲜江艹离 与 A,B2种片状饲料为饵料 ,试验了不同食物与不同放养水层对九孔鲍生长影响 ,......
We collected the diseased blades of Laminaria japonica from Yantai Sea Farm from October to December 2002, and the algin......
选择性状差异较大的日本长海带(Laminaria longissima)和当地早厚成品系一号(L.japonica)为母父本,通过杂交获得F1,F1经连续五年的自交选......
CONTENTS Title Author No. P. Special Reviews From 揅hemical Metallurgy?to 揚rocess Engineering? LI Jing-hai 1 1 Process ......
FGS, isolated from the water solution of enzymolyzed laminaria japonica, is a mixture of acid heteroglycans. Four fracti......
(Figures in brackets are volume,number and page respectively)Research PapersA Numerical Study of Circulation in the Huan......
<正> 昆布为褐藻类翅藻科植物昆布Eckloniakurome Okam、裙带菜Undaria pinnati-fida(Harv.)Suring和海带科植物海带Laminaria jap......
<正> 给血压正常的大白鼠静脉注射绿豆(Phaseolus aureus)、芸香(Ruta graveolens)、昆布(Laminaria japonica)的提取液,观察单味......
Assessing the Germplasm of Laminaria (Phaeophyceae) with Random Amplified PoLymorphic DNA (RAPD) Met
Eighteen gametophytes includingL. japonica, L. ochotensisandL. longissima, were verified with random amplified polymorph......
Effect of outplanting time on commercial cultivation of kelp Laminaria saccharina at the southern li
The aim of the study is to examine the influence of the outplanting time on the cultivation of the kelp Laminaria saccha......
In this report,complete mitochondrial genome sequences of Laminaria cultivation variety ‘Rongfu were obtained.The resul......
克隆技术在当前是生命科学前沿领域之一,对遗传育种、生物工程研究及 应用具有重要的意义。综述了有关海带配子体克隆研究进展以及......
Assessing the Germplasm of Laminaria (Phaeophyceae) with Random Amplified PoLymorphic DNA (RAPD) Met
Eighteen gametophytes including L. japonica, L. ochotensis and L. longissima , were verified with random amplified polym......
Assessment of Genetic Diversities of Selected Laminaria (Laminariales,Phaeophyta) Gametophytes by In
Inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) analysis was used to assess genetic diversity among 10pairs of male and female Lamin......
Phylogeny of genera Laminaria and Saccharina (Laminariales, Phaeophyceae) based on three molecular m
In the past two decades, many studies have focused on the classification within genus Laminaria, ultimately trying to di......
Laminaria (Saccharina) is one of the economic important seaweeds. Through sequence analysis of 4 099 ESTs from Laminaria......
采用不同浓度的三十烷醇 (TA)和不同的浸泡时间处理海带苗 ,探索TA对海带的效应。长达 5a的研究结果表明 ,TA对海带具有明显的促生......
<正> 昆布作为宫颈扩张器已应用了数百年。其效果和安全性已报导过。起初认为昆布的作用是纯机械性的。然而,在昆布中期引产期间,......